Penn Engineers have created some of today’s most amazing new technologies. This competition offers the chance to envision how these technologies might shape our lives tomorrow.

About the Competition

The Y-Prize is a contest in which members of the Penn community compete to propose the best applications for an emerging technology.

About the Technologies

2024-2025 Technologies

Reprogrammable Matter by Folding

Magnetically-controlled origami that self-folds, self-unfolds, and self-reconfigures on-demand

2024-2025 Technologies

 Snake Robot Arm

This flexible robot arm that can curve like a snake, creating complex shapes with minimal motors. 

Events & Deadlines

November 10, 2024

Proposals Due

Sunday, November 10

Past Winners & Finalists

2023-2024 Y-Prize Winners:
Other 2022-2023
Y-Prize Finalists

Learn More

Learn more about the competition and how you can get involved

How It Works

Submission Guidelines

Submit Your Proposal

History of the Y-Prize

Past Y-Prize Winners


Recommended Resources

3620 Locust Walk,
Steinberg Hall-Dietrich Hall Suite
3400 Philadelphia, PA 19104


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